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 STOIK Imagic 5

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STOIK Imagic 5 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: STOIK Imagic 5   STOIK Imagic 5 Emptyالإثنين فبراير 18, 2013 7:03 pm

Free Video Editor and Photo Viewer.
Organize Photos with Ease
STOIK Imagic
image editing program - easy image viewer and pics editor, video
editor. Quick to learn and easy to use, STOIK Imagic makes managing your
photos and videos fun. Bundling a blazing fast image viewer with
convenient image organizer and comprehensive still and video editor,
STOIK Imagic has everything to keep, share and perfect your memories.
STOIK Imagic graphic software combines classic features with modern
technologies, enabling lightning-fast browsing, viewing and searching.

Stoik Imagic - advanced media
browser, Photo, video, pics editing software. View, organise and
customize photos, edit still pics and videos with ease.
STOIK Imagic graphic program comes with everything you need to perfect, review and share your memories.
Offering a combination of a photo album, media organizer, picture
image viewer and easy to use pic and photo editor, STOIK Imagic graphic
software makes your images easy to perfect and enjoy.
Imagic is a best solution for video editing (animation video, video
conversion, movie making, video special effects etc.) and graphic
editing (conversion to grayscale, slideshow creation, red eye removal,
hue/saturarion, brightness/contrast, resize photos etc.)
Organize and Customize your Pics and Photos STOIK Imagic software offers
a unique combination of classic features combined with state of the art
Convenient organizing and cataloguing is blazing
quick with fast media indexing. Browsing and searching images by
folders, date, tags. Searching by file and EXIF attributes. The
full-screen image viewer (RAW, JPEG viewer etc.).The media browser
Photo Retouching and Video Authoring Made Easy A host of easy to use
photo editing tools are included, allowing make photo retouch or
performing deeper photo enhancement with ease. Fully automated pic
enhancement mode (*) is also available.
STOIK Imagic makes
panorama and HDR stitching (*) easy, offers red-eye remover
(correction), DNG and RAW development (*). Video authoring and the
ability to create animated games are there, too.
(*) Available in STOIK Imagic Premium.
STOIK Imagic is FREE to Download First released back in 1997, STOIK
Imagic graphic software was downloaded more than 20 million times to
this day. Download or buy Stoik Imagic right now!
Since early
2010, STOIK Imagic photo editor is being offered FREE for downloading.
Combining comprehensive functionality with ultimate ease of use, STOIK
Imagic offers features available in packages far more expensive.
STOIK Imagic photo editor is free to download. Competitors aren’t. It's your money, and it's your choice.
Two Editions STOIK Imagic is free for personal non-commercial use. A
host of premium features are available in STOIK Imagic Premium for $49.
Upgrade STOIK Imaging to Premium now, or download Stoik Imagic Premium
and get access to all the premium features for the first 30 days!

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] or [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] Then choose the free/pro program version.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
STOIK Imagic 5
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صفحة 1 من اصل 1
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» STOIK Video Enhancer
» STOIK Video Converter
» STOIK PanoramaMaker (Win) 2
» STOIK PanoramaMaker (Win) 2
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المواضيع الأخيرة
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» Ashampoo ? MP3 Cover Finder
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