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 STOIK Smart Resizer 3

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مُساهمةموضوع: STOIK Smart Resizer 3   STOIK Smart Resizer 3 Icon_minitimeالإثنين فبراير 18, 2013 7:05 pm

Reduce or Enlarge Images up to
1000% Without Losing Quality
Stoik Smart Resizer software - Powerful and smart Windows photo
image resizer program!
Enlarge images, print huge enlargements or
upload to demanding stock agencies! The intelligent picture resizing
tool allows to change image size: reduce or enlarge digital picture size
up to 1000% without losing quality. Whether you’re printing big
enlargements or creating tiny thumbnails, the images will maintain their
crispness and fine detail.
Smart Resizer - Reduce and Enlarge Images! We often have to shrink or
enlarge the size of images, for instance, for sending to a friend, for
upload on Facebook or Livehournal. By reducing size of images you can
upload pictures rapidly. Here is best solution for resizing and reducing
image size, Stoik Smart Resizer program.
Stoik Smart Resizer
software is an powerful and easy program with big array of photo tools,
that lets you enlarge or reduce picture size and resize images in batch
mode. You may shrink images to any size you want by compressing or
resizing options.
Enlarge pictures and make digital photo enlargements for celebrations, portraits, parties, wedding, birthdays and paintings!
What's new in STOIK Smart Resizer 3. In STOIK Smart Resizer version
3 has been added all-new Super Resolution upscaling algorithm, an
intelligent photo enlargement tool.
The new Super Resolution
algorithm maintains overall crispness, high level of details and
straight, jaggy-free lines throughout the image.The Smart Way to Resize
Pictures and Make Large Photos STOIK Smart Resizer program (Windows) can
change image size: reduce or enlarge pictures size up to 1000% without
losing image quality. Featuring smart resizing algorithms, STOIK Smart
Resizer photo resize tool creates huge enlargements while maintaining
image crispness and sharp look.
Resizing and Enlarging Digital
Images Printing huge enlargements from low-pixel count images is the
first and obvious task handled by STOIK Smart Resizer software.
Posters, banner-size pictures and plotter jobs will benefit from a higher-resolution source.
Some stock agencies require a certain minimum resolution for
considering an image for acceptance. Reduce image size is often needed
to create tiny yet detailed previews and thumbnails.
The Built-In
Tools All photo editing programs have image resizing capabilities built
into them. Some of them offer a choice between several algorithms such
as Linear, Bilinear, and Bicubic. Advanced tools even distinguish
between downsizing and enlarging the pictures. Why not just using the
built-in capabilities to resize your pictures?
Most photo editors
handle size reductions quite well, at least if you’re not trying to
make a thumbnail of a 10 MP photo. When it comes to photo enlargements,
the editors become surprisingly “dumb”. You'll end up with an
enlargement consisting of pixels duplicated as many times as needed to
create the image enlargement. Their "smart" enlargement algorithms will
smooth the edges and apply some sharpening to the final image to create a
sense of false detail, or false sharpness. In a word, if image quality
is critical for the task, avoid using built-in image enlargement tools
available in photo editors.
The Right Way to Reduce and Enlarge
Images STOIK Smart Resizer program handles image reducing and
enlargements in a right way. Intelligent picture resize algorithms
provide the best apparent visual quality while maintaining fine details.
Huge photo enlargements up to 1000% are possible without sacrificing
visual sharpness.
Image Resizing Algorithms The quality of the
final result depends on the algorithm used for image interpolation.
Conventional interpolation methods such as bilinear or bicubic are not
sufficient for creating a crisp enlargement, producing blurred or
artificially-looking images.
STOIK Smart Resizer software
includes an innovative Smart Resize algorithm, an in-house development
by STOIK Imaging. The algorithm performs a thorough analysis of image
content looking for common patterns such as natural textures, contours,
and line art.
Adaptive interpolation methods are then applied
selectively to specific areas in the image. The result is stunning: up
to a certain enlargement, you won't be able to tell if the picture has
been enlarged or was shot natively as a high-resolution image. No loss
of visual sharpness is perceivable.
Printing from Camera Phones
Most cameras built into modern cell phones and communicators have quite
low resolution. Typically, a 4x6 print is just about everything you can
print without seeing the artefacts. STOIK Smart Resizer program can
upsize images taken with cell-phone cameras to make their resolution
sufficient for quality prints and enlargements.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] or[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] Then choose the free/pro program version.
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STOIK Smart Resizer 3
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