Alldj DVD To iPhone/iPod/Apple-TV Ripper Hitskin_logo

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 Alldj DVD To iPhone/iPod/Apple-TV Ripper

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Alldj DVD To iPhone/iPod/Apple-TV Ripper Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Alldj DVD To iPhone/iPod/Apple-TV Ripper   Alldj DVD To iPhone/iPod/Apple-TV Ripper Emptyالثلاثاء فبراير 19, 2013 1:49 pm

Fully compatible with iPhone iPod and
Apple-TV Video Format.Easy video splitting, full control the output
video quality and image size.Extract DVD audio to MP3 format.
Super-Powerful capability;Fastest converting speed ,up to 300% real
time.High picture quality and high sound quality like original DVD.Easy
to add or remove DVD subtitle to output video file.Full control audio
and video parameters .support all commercial DVD and remove all the
restrictions of DVD (CSS, Region, RCE, Sony ARccOS (Sony DVD encryption )
Alldj DVD to iPhone/iPod/Apple-TV Ripper is a all-in-one
solution for converting or rippint DVD to iPod iPhone and Apple-TV video
format, or extracting DVD audio to mp3 music files so that you can play
it on your iPod iPhone and Apple-TV.
It support all commercial DVD and remove all the restrictions of DVD (CSS, Region, RCE, Sony ARccOS , etc. ) .
DVD to iPhone/iPod/Apple-TV Ripper has the ability to access all DVD
included Sony ARccOS protected DVD and all other commercial DVD . Runs
on Microsoft Windows 98,NT,2000,XP,Vista.
Top 4 Reasons To Choose Alldj DVD to iPhone/iPod/Apple-TV Ripper:

1. High speed and high Video quality
Alldj DVD to iPhone/iPod/Apple-TV Ripper includes our Super Encode
Engine, which is much more faster than other encode engine. The Super
Encode Engine based on MMX- SSE & 3DNow! technology, it brings you
the advanced and high speed converting method. You did not need to
waiting hours and hours, it runs 300% - 500% DVD real time speed. On the
other hand, Alldj DVD to iPhone/iPod/Apple-TV Ripper strongly impressed
the users with best video picture quality and guaranteed to deliver the
highest quality for iPod / iPhone and Apple-TV video.
2. Support all encryption protected DVD and commercial DVD
Alldj DVD to iPhone/iPod/Apple-TV Ripper has ability to access all
types encryption protected DVD, such as CSS encryption, Sony ARccOS bad
sector encryption, RCE encryption, DVD Region encryption.
3. Powerful functions and Easy to use
Alldj DVD to iPhone/iPod/Apple-TV Ripper software is a powerful and
stabile DVD to Apple Video Device ripping software. you can Set all the
video/audio parameters, remove unwanted subtitles and audio tracks

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]or [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] Then choose the free/pro program version.
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Alldj DVD To iPhone/iPod/Apple-TV Ripper
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» Alldj DVD To iPhone/iPod/Apple-TV Ripper
» Alldj DVD To iPod / iPhone
» Alldj iPhone/iPod/Apple-TV Video Converter
» Alldj iPhone/iPod/Apple-TV Video Converter
» Alldj iPod Video Converter

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» موقع برامج الفايروس المحمولة
Alldj DVD To iPhone/iPod/Apple-TV Ripper Emptyالأربعاء يوليو 17, 2013 2:52 am من طرف صاحي لكم

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» Ashampoo ? MP3 Cover Finder
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